Wire Fencing & Netting


Product Description
Commonly known as chicken-wire this old established wire fencing has many uses around the farm and garden. Wire fencing and wire netting is easy to erect and dismantle making it ideal to use as either a temporary or permanent fence.

With a wide range of wire mesh sizes, wire diameters, roll widths and lengths there is a size to suit most applications.

Product Specifications

60013 mm22g10m x 25m x 50m
60025 mm20g10m x 25m x 50m
60050 mm19g10m x 25m x 50m
90013 mm22g10m x 25m x 50m
90025 mm20g10m x 25m x 50m
90050 mm19g10m x 25m x 50m
105031 mm19g50m
105031 mm18g50m
120025 mm20g10m x 25m x 50m
120050 mm19g10m x 25m x 50m
180025 mm20g25m x 50m
180050 mm19g25m x 50m